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Post-Holiday Detox Plan

Post-Holiday Detox Plan

We are exposed to dangerous pollutants, synthetic medications, chemicals, processed foods, alcohol, diseases, and so on in today's world. This may not appear to be a serious threat, but the truth is that toxins from these sources can seriously harm our health. Even if the body eventually adapts to the exposure, this does not indicate the toxins have left our bodies. Toxic substances gradually build up in our bodies over time, causing injuries. If this is the scenario, it is our responsibility to remove the toxins and keep the body healthy.

It might be surprising for us to understand how the body processes and eliminates the toxins out. The process of removal of toxins from the body is called detoxification. The liver is the major detoxifying organ. Toxins are either eliminated by urine or feces after they have been neutralized in the liver. Let us take a closer look at the liver and its detoxification system.